Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Today during digital class I started watching the rhetorical analysis video. Of course I got rudely interrupted when my manager called me into work. I took notes from the video thought. Then after work I finished the videos and worked on my rhetorical introduction. This concept is very challenging. Although if we were in school it would be quit easy. I will be home all day tomorrow to finish class so hopefully I will finish my work on time.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 1 Virtual Class

Today in class I watched a video on Youtube pertaining to the upcoming Ap Exam. The Video gave me insight on what will be given to us exam day. Everything the lady explained in the video we had been introduced to in Mr.Rease’s class. While watching the video I also took notes that were essential to me. The note that I took during the video helped me take the quiz. I made an 100 which didn’t shock me because I thoroughly watched the video and took notes. Im thinking I was probably the only one who actually watched the video but it’s okay. I really miss school and seeing my classmates and teachers I guess the virtual class will do.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Annotated Bibliography

In class today Mr.Rease taught us something that we would probably desperately need in the future. He taught us how to do a type bibliography. At first I thought it would be difficult but it’s actually fairly easy. The process of learning the concept only took about a hour. Then from there we practiced doing our own. I’m actually pretty glad Mr.Rease taught us how to do an annotated bibliography because he knows no one will teach us in college. Also I learned that by reading the first sentence of each paragraph to find the main idea does not work. So I most definitely won’t try that in the near future. Class was very warm today which helped me learn and not doze off. Once again another great lesson taught by Mr.Rease.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Cultural Issues

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we continued practicing for the ACT writing portion. I also learned that there were two different types of thesis’s. One is an umbrella thesis the other is a 3 point thesis. Today we were presented a prompt about all High schools being assigned to read one certain book. I didn’t agree with the prompt but in order for the sources to match my claim I had to change my position. Once I got the hang of what we were doing I understood more and could write my paper.

Monday, March 2, 2020

ACT Practice?

Today in class we prepared for the Act we will take next week on the 10th. Today I learned to never underestimate a test because it can possibly hurt you. Today’s topic was and whether or not all schools should be required to read the same books. I took a position and said no. With the sources I received I had no way to back up my claim. So eventually I had to change my position. I love how Mr.Rease teaches. Not only does he get his point across but he also uses real world examples so we can’t accurately get the right meaning. Class was interesting today and left everyone shocked

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Today in Mr.Rease’s class I presented my project although one of my facts were wrong I made a 99. Today we also defined some vocabulary words and did threes exercises to go along with them. Mr.Rease also started discussing essays one on one. Luckily he didn’t call on me today. I know for a fact I did horrible because I didn’t write about the prompt. Hopefully my next essay i’ll do better.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


In class today we started presenting power points. My favorite powerpoint of today was Italy which La’Kyerah had. Her powerpoint was very informative and entertaining. I loved the effort everyone gave and put into their powerpoint it showed tremendously. This has been my favorite thing to study this semester and it shows.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fame or Shame

In Mr.Rease’s class today we read over our classmates introduction paragraph and decided if it should be famed or shamed. The intro had to include a claim and two pieces of evidence to back it up. Unfortunately we only had two fames but towards the end the class got the gist of the concept. I believe we did this activity in order to prepare for tomorrow essay. I am confident I will pass and do exceptionally well. I learned that anything can be a claim it just has to have credible evidence to back it up. Towards the end of class Mr.Rease asked us a few questions. In which one was what place is a country and continent and when I found out the answer I was in shock to find out it was Antarctica. Then after that Mr.Rease left for a parent conference so we had 10 minutes of free time. tew

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Today in Mr. Rease’s class he split us up into different groups in the classroom. The groups were continents and we had to sit with everyone who's country was in the continent. Then were to look up 6 different interesting customs of our country. Afterwards we were assigned to compare and contrast the country’s customs. I learned many new things today about different country’s. For example it is bad to leave tips in places like Hong Kong. This week’s lesson all together is a great way for us to reach out and learn new things about people of other cultures. Not only is it cool but it’s also very fun and informative.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Americans

In Mr.Rease’s class today we had a class discussion on different cultures. We also took notes based off of our personal feelings towards a situation or question regarding culture. The discussion in class today wasn’t as heated as it usual is. I really didn’t have anything to say just a lot of thinking took place. Some questions I didn’t have an answer to. We learned about different things other cultures do that we Americans might consider unusual. We also watched a short clip on how other people view Americans. I was surprised to actually hear someone in the video say “we smell like freedom.” They also said the obvious that everyone always says about weight, volume and confidence. I learned many new things as well as new things for my project for Mr.Rease’s class.

Monday, February 10, 2020

7 elements of cultures

Today in class we discussed the 7 elements of cultures. The seven being Social Organization, customs and traditions, language, arts and literature, religion, forms of government, and economic systems. I also was informed that we will have a projects on different cities and countries. I randomly chose China and will do my project on china. I also grew to learn that I will have a argumentative essay that will take place in class on Friday. I learned many things about different culture today that shocked me and I never thought would happen actually. During the first 30 minutes of class we took a quiz which I always seem to struggle with I know it’s crazy. Hopefully I passed. Okay that’s enough for today i’m going to start on my culture project!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Humor me...

Today in Mr.Rease’s class he gave us a new prompt in which we had to come up with 5 claims. Also with the 5 claims we needed evidence. The prompt was dealing with humorist and things that happen in real life. Mr.Rease showed us a couple of videos where comedians use different types of jokes to make the crowd laugh. This way we had enough evidence for our claims. I always enjoy Mr.Rease’s class and he is actually my favorite class of the day.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


I was absent today due to a mandatory National Honor Society Meeting.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Friday, January 31, 2020


Today in class we started on our 3 body paragraphs for our essay. The prompt questioned rather ABC was right to suspend a reporter for a false Kobe Bryant report. I took a position and found found 3 claims and evidence to back up my claims. I feel myself gradually getting better the closer we get to the AP exam. When we first learned about claims and evidence I couldn’t even form a claim but know I can. Readings, Observations, and experiences helped me with my evidence. The videos Mr.Rease also showed us helped find more evidence. Overall class was very  informative today and I learned something new.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


In Mr. Rease’s class today we learned about induction and deduction. This new lesson we were introduced to today was somewhat difficult. We also learned about premises/premiss. Actually the entire class was pretty confused on the assignment. Towards the end we caught the gist of the assignment.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My purpose

My purpose is to make people happy and to make them feel better about themselves. I believe I do an awesome job at this. I love making people smile even when i’m in a horrible mood. I feel this way because other people’s happiness fuels my heart. Other people feeling happy or smiling makes me smile on the inside it brightens my day. My purpose is their purpose for smiling. I love people and some people love me. I hope to make everyone smile one day. My purpose for living.

Monday, January 27, 2020


In Mr.Rease’s class we started off today watching a short film. The video was on a poem that Kobe Bryant wrote that later turned into an animation. The video was very touching and sent chill through out my whole entire body. The message in the video moved me. We then tied the video into our lesson. The prompt today was about owning something. Many other people had different perspectives on the prompt which was ok. There we then went on to our claims. Everyone paid attention and ands were

Friday, January 24, 2020

Multiple Choice

In Mr.Rease’s class today we continued correcting or mock exam. The exam basically gets us prepared for the ACT and AP Exam by prepping us for multiple choice questions. I love multiple choice questions and often use the elimination method to get the correct answer. I really thought the exam was quite simple but I was fooled. It’s a must that I dig deeper into what the question is really asking me instead of grazing the surface of the question. So I can say that’s a major problem for me beforehand. Although the elimination process works for me I still seem to eliminate the correct answer somehow. But, I am confident I will excel in this concept before my actual AP Exam and ACT Test.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


In class today we read a passage about book clubs. We were given 15 minutes to complete the passage and answer questions 16-28. Afterwards we wrote a short summary about the passage and defined words that were unfamiliar to us. After that we were split into small groups to discuss the answers to the questions. Time in class today was cut short so time flew by. The small group activity help me with process of elimination and new test taking strategies. The class was very informative today and made me think more  than using.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Body Paragraphs

Mr.Rease was absent today so we just did the assignment he left for us to do. It was pretty odd for us to start with the body paragraphs instead of the opening paragraph but hey it’s okay.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Certainty VS Doubt...

Today in class we watched and listened to 2 inspirational speeches. Not only were they inspirational but they were also motivating. It motivated me to do better and be better. We’ve been talking about certainty and doubt for the past few days. I personally feel like these go hand and hand and could also possibly be a married couple. The videos tied in to these two things. Finding claims and evidence for this prompt was a little difficult and I felt uneasy as I was writing things. Things like this are hard but I know things will get even harder in the future. All I can do is have faith and believe in myself. This quarter will be one for the books I can guaranteed that!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

AP Exam Worries...

Today in class we learned some essential things we will need to know for the AP Exam. As many know I struggle a lot with claims and evidence. This thing just doesn’t click with me. As time progresses and the Exam approaches I hope I have mastered this. The lesson today was very informative and it was good to relate out concept to real life things. Yes things will get difficult and I may feel like giving up I must continue on. After watching the inspirational video a few days ago my mindset has changed completely. Effort is all that is needed in order for my success.

Monday, January 13, 2020

4 corners and 2021?!

Today in class today we played four corners. This wasn’t just any kind of four corners though. Our teacher gave us different scenarios and we either had to strongly agree or disagree or just plain agree or disagree. This concept was basically testing our skills for the upcoming AP Exam. On the AP Exam we have to use credible evidence in order to back up our claims. This activity helped us improve our logical evidence and gain more confidence in our argument. I love doing activities like these not only do I find humor in these activities but I also learn new things in which help me take a step closer to mastering the concept. Also towards the end of class we were called to the cafeteria for a junior meeting. There the principal and Mrs.Belle discussed how important the ACT could be for our future. The speech she and Mr.Sanderson presented inspired me to go that extra mile to score high on my ACT. Not only for the school but for my personal benefit. I am encouraged and willing to put in the right amount of effort for the score i’m aiming for. I can’t wait for my next results.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Falling For Fallacies!

Today in class we read from a book called “Thank you for arguing”. In the book we discussed fallacies. I have been struggling trying to grasp this concept but everyday I seem to get better. The information from the book explained the fallacies a little more in depth. Also since Tuesday i’ve been very determined for second semester. I try to talk less and listen more. I also try to outwork the others. This quarter is going to be my best one yet.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Act it out!

Today our class was split into 5 groups for our assignments. The assignment was to put together a skit on the fallacy provided us.  I really enjoyed the lesson. Activities like those help me learn lesson better. We also reviewed clsssmates blog and had examples on the correct way blogs should be done. Class was very fun and active today.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

¿Slippery what?

Today in class we discussed fallacies. There are numerous of different fallacies in which none of them I could catch on to. This lesson will be very challenging for me but I will give my best effort. Today in class we also discussed current events for a while. Mr.Rease answered every question I had in mind and enlighten me on the Iran and US situation. I’m actually very excited for tomorrow, we will have an in class skit that will help me understand fallacies a little more. That was all I learned today and I definitely gave my best effort to stay awake during the lesson.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Smart and Outsmarted?!

Today in class we analyzed a very touching video. I learned many things from the video as well as from the speaker Arel Moodie. I learned that everyone is not smart and some things are challenging but it’s all in a matter of how you look at things. I also learned to outwork the others and to give more effort. The speaker really touched my heart because not only did he speak on some relatable things but it was also not sugar coated. I learned that all smart people aren’t successful and all successful people aren’t smart. It’s all in the amount of effort you give to determine your level of success. I am so glad Mr.Rease presented us with this video today to start off second semester with bang and encourage me as well.