Thursday, February 20, 2020


Today in Mr.Rease’s class I presented my project although one of my facts were wrong I made a 99. Today we also defined some vocabulary words and did threes exercises to go along with them. Mr.Rease also started discussing essays one on one. Luckily he didn’t call on me today. I know for a fact I did horrible because I didn’t write about the prompt. Hopefully my next essay i’ll do better.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


In class today we started presenting power points. My favorite powerpoint of today was Italy which La’Kyerah had. Her powerpoint was very informative and entertaining. I loved the effort everyone gave and put into their powerpoint it showed tremendously. This has been my favorite thing to study this semester and it shows.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fame or Shame

In Mr.Rease’s class today we read over our classmates introduction paragraph and decided if it should be famed or shamed. The intro had to include a claim and two pieces of evidence to back it up. Unfortunately we only had two fames but towards the end the class got the gist of the concept. I believe we did this activity in order to prepare for tomorrow essay. I am confident I will pass and do exceptionally well. I learned that anything can be a claim it just has to have credible evidence to back it up. Towards the end of class Mr.Rease asked us a few questions. In which one was what place is a country and continent and when I found out the answer I was in shock to find out it was Antarctica. Then after that Mr.Rease left for a parent conference so we had 10 minutes of free time. tew

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Today in Mr. Rease’s class he split us up into different groups in the classroom. The groups were continents and we had to sit with everyone who's country was in the continent. Then were to look up 6 different interesting customs of our country. Afterwards we were assigned to compare and contrast the country’s customs. I learned many new things today about different country’s. For example it is bad to leave tips in places like Hong Kong. This week’s lesson all together is a great way for us to reach out and learn new things about people of other cultures. Not only is it cool but it’s also very fun and informative.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Americans

In Mr.Rease’s class today we had a class discussion on different cultures. We also took notes based off of our personal feelings towards a situation or question regarding culture. The discussion in class today wasn’t as heated as it usual is. I really didn’t have anything to say just a lot of thinking took place. Some questions I didn’t have an answer to. We learned about different things other cultures do that we Americans might consider unusual. We also watched a short clip on how other people view Americans. I was surprised to actually hear someone in the video say “we smell like freedom.” They also said the obvious that everyone always says about weight, volume and confidence. I learned many new things as well as new things for my project for Mr.Rease’s class.

Monday, February 10, 2020

7 elements of cultures

Today in class we discussed the 7 elements of cultures. The seven being Social Organization, customs and traditions, language, arts and literature, religion, forms of government, and economic systems. I also was informed that we will have a projects on different cities and countries. I randomly chose China and will do my project on china. I also grew to learn that I will have a argumentative essay that will take place in class on Friday. I learned many things about different culture today that shocked me and I never thought would happen actually. During the first 30 minutes of class we took a quiz which I always seem to struggle with I know it’s crazy. Hopefully I passed. Okay that’s enough for today i’m going to start on my culture project!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Humor me...

Today in Mr.Rease’s class he gave us a new prompt in which we had to come up with 5 claims. Also with the 5 claims we needed evidence. The prompt was dealing with humorist and things that happen in real life. Mr.Rease showed us a couple of videos where comedians use different types of jokes to make the crowd laugh. This way we had enough evidence for our claims. I always enjoy Mr.Rease’s class and he is actually my favorite class of the day.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


I was absent today due to a mandatory National Honor Society Meeting.

Monday, February 3, 2020