Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Annotated Bibliography

In class today Mr.Rease taught us something that we would probably desperately need in the future. He taught us how to do a type bibliography. At first I thought it would be difficult but it’s actually fairly easy. The process of learning the concept only took about a hour. Then from there we practiced doing our own. I’m actually pretty glad Mr.Rease taught us how to do an annotated bibliography because he knows no one will teach us in college. Also I learned that by reading the first sentence of each paragraph to find the main idea does not work. So I most definitely won’t try that in the near future. Class was very warm today which helped me learn and not doze off. Once again another great lesson taught by Mr.Rease.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Cultural Issues

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we continued practicing for the ACT writing portion. I also learned that there were two different types of thesis’s. One is an umbrella thesis the other is a 3 point thesis. Today we were presented a prompt about all High schools being assigned to read one certain book. I didn’t agree with the prompt but in order for the sources to match my claim I had to change my position. Once I got the hang of what we were doing I understood more and could write my paper.

Monday, March 2, 2020

ACT Practice?

Today in class we prepared for the Act we will take next week on the 10th. Today I learned to never underestimate a test because it can possibly hurt you. Today’s topic was and whether or not all schools should be required to read the same books. I took a position and said no. With the sources I received I had no way to back up my claim. So eventually I had to change my position. I love how Mr.Rease teaches. Not only does he get his point across but he also uses real world examples so we can’t accurately get the right meaning. Class was interesting today and left everyone shocked