Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How did you learn to read?

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we read an essay on how an indian boy learned to read. He learned to read by reading a comic book. Little did he know he would become successful and defeat the odds of many other like him. We then proceeded to discuss how many smart people rather blend in with the general population who act like they’re not smart. We then learned more deeply on how to use the process of elimination. This activity helped me open my eyes and understand more on how to choose the correct answer. Today’s lesson was great and I enjoyed it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Where’s Rease?

Today Mr.Rease was absent so we were sent to Ms.Wells’s class. In her class I decided to catch up on some homework and class work. This spare time was used very wisely and was greatly appreciated. Although today I wanted to review a little more on rhetorical analysis but Mr.Rease wasn’t present. Maybe tomorrow i’ll grasp the concept a little more.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Honor Code System

Today in class we learned more about rhetorical analysis. We also discussed why we should or should not establish a honor code system. In class we are constantly preparing for the Ap exam so today was very informative. I learned that I should answer the prompt and create a thesis statement. Today’s lesson was vital for the Ap exam and I enjoyed the lecture.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Today in Mr.Rease’s class I presented my project.Then I got an early dismissal to find out if I made Azalea Trail Maid. Unfortunately I didn’t so I should’ve stayed in class.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I have a dream

Today in class we read and analyzed Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. While reading the speech we located many different rhetorical devices. We found logos, ethos, pathos and many other things. While reading a wave of emotion flushed my mind. Everything Martin Luther King wanted to happen in 1963 is now happening today. So I believe his speech did have an impact on America regarding segregation and civil rights.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis

In Mr.Rease’s class today we learned more about Rhetorical Analysis. We also had 3 mock test questions. I also learned about something called Soapstone. Afterwards we read a story about Martin Luther King Jr writing a letter from Birmingham city jail. In order to write a Rhetorical Analysis i must know the passage. I must also know the Why, How, and so what. Class was very informative today I learned something new.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Resist the temptation

Today in Mr. Rease’s we took a quiz on the poem Constantly Risking Absurdity. The test lasted for about 45 minutes and was very easy. Afterwards we read our poems aloud to the class. Then Mr.Rease discussed Tupac’s song “Resist the temptation”. Mr.Rease broke down the song so everyone could understand it and compare it to real life issues.

Depression Poem


 A cruel disease I can’t cure
Something that’s always coming back for more
My life is a colorless movie
No color insight
My nights are dreamless I just lay down and cry
My days are weary as I fight this battle 
My heart, mind , and soul are all dressed in camo
A smile on my face but my heart is battered
I laugh at my pain it makes me feel better
I never even thought I would feel this unleveled
I take my mask off everyday 
It’s  always halloween 
But I never ever say trick or treat
Maybe  it’s me?
Wishing of happy days I’ll never see
Life is a battle but the only problem is i’m fighting me

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Love Poem

In Mr.Rease’s class today we learn how to construct a poem with a metaphor. First I had to come up with a topic then after that I had to come up with a metaphor involving love. I thought many of times about changing my topic it was so difficult to start my poem. After I started my poem everything was easy. Everything came to me perfectly and I produced a great poem.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reading To Write

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we read an essay by Stephen King called “Reading to write”. In the essay King explained why you must know how to read in order to write. Writing without reading is like walking without crawling. Mr.Rease also gave us our 3 words for our next vocabulary quiz. I received 7,2, and 11. We didn’t get a chance to finish the presentations so I guess we will finish tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Vocabulary Quiz Presentations

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we presented our vocabulary quiz projects. Everyone’s project was different. I love the videos my classmates used to define the word they chose. Class went by very fast today I wish it did that everyday. Today Mr.Rease also assigned us another vocabulary project. We will be given 3 words and we will choose 3 different objects to represent the word. I can hardly wait to finish presentations tomorrow.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ap History?

Today Mr.Rease was absent so we were sent to Ms.Well’s classroom. There in her class we took a long practice AP History test. The test was so difficult and hard I was ready to leave class. Afterwards we were told to do something productive and keep down the noise. Overall class today was awesome can’t wait for tomorrow.!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

pep rally

Today we had a pep rally which was kind of boring. This
pep rally  took place during Mr. Rease’s 4th block. It wasn’t very exciting all.

90s party’s

Today in Mr.Rease’s class I attended the 90’s.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Smoking and Being Overweight

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we had an in class project. We were divided into 5 different groups and rotated to each group. We discussed how smoking and being overweight could affect many different occupations. We also discussed if a person could smoke and be overweight and still do their job the correct way. Afterwards we read a short passage and analyzed little details. We also noticed how different jobs have rules on smoking and being overweight.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Today in Mr.Rease’s class we received our coupon and snack for turning in our Wild book. We also began discussing litotes. I was a little confused on them at first but then i began to understand them. Then afterwards I got an early.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

2nd quarter

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we received vocabulary words and a project dealing with the words. We also learned about hyperboles and understatements. This was a different and difficult section for me so i hope this year is better than the last.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Today in Mr.Rease’s class we wrote our essay for our first quarter EQT. The essay was on grieving in the book Wild. We had one hours to complete at least 850 words of an essay. I finished my essay and i think I did pretty good. Tomorrow we will talk toe second part of the EQT and i’m not ready but I pray I pass.

Monday, October 7, 2019

1st Quarter Eqt

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we reviewed what was going to be on our 1st quarter EQT. We also read two poem and compared them to real life event. We dig deeper into the text to actually understand the meaning and purpose of the poem. I think this was a great activity because I learned a lot about different types of poems. Class was very interesting and I think my group scored a few points.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

I knew it was over...

In Mr.Rease’s class today my group and I discussed our oral presentation. We were assigned chapter 12 and present on Thursday. Today we basically found my deep thought quotes to explain for our project to the class. We also produced some very well thought questions and prepared to discuss them with the class. In class we also had a quick write to take the place of our chapter 10 and 11 quiz. We were assigned to write about how “we knew it was over”.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Chapter 7

In Mr.Rease’s class today we skimmed through chapter seven in the book “Wild”. We discussed many different things that happened in this chapter. The title of chapter seven was called “The only girl in the woods”. In this chapter the main character meets six other men on the trail and began to build a relationship with them. We spent most of our time discussing our book like usual. We also had very interesting topics today in class.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Pop Quiz

My first day returning back to Mr.Rease’s we had a pop quiz on chapter seven in our book. It was fairly easy only three questions but yet so difficult. In class Mr.Rease shared a few of his hiking moments he captured by picture. We then read a poem by Langston Hughes called “The Negro Speaks of Rivers.” We then determines our ethnicity, race, and nationality. Mr.Rease also showed the class his family tree and how deep it rooted. I’ve also noticed the temperature in the class has changed it is no longer freezing cold. Thank the Lord!!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Test Day

Today in class we took our test on test on “Wild”. We took a test on the assigned chapters three and four. After our test we went over our answers. I think I did pretty good on my test considering I read the book. I’ve now learned to read deeper into my text and point out important things that may be on the test. I say this because some of the things on the test i remember reading I just can’t seem to put my finger on where it was in the book.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The book

In Mr.Rease’s class today we read and analyzed chapter 2 in the book “Wild”. We looked deeper into the book rather than just reading words. We also went over our three critical reading questions. The questions asked today really made you think and look deeper into the text to find your answer. I also highlighted more important details in the book I knew I would need.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today in Mr.Rease’s class we read the prologue in the book “Wild”. We also started reading chapter one. While reading I highlighted key points that I could record in my reading log. Since I already read chapter one prior to today I went more in depth into what I was reading. I made sure the little key points I didn’t catch the first time I caught the second time. While Mr.Rease was reading I drew a picture mentally on what I heard and what I thought was going to happen in the book. Class was very informative as always  and I can’t wait for tomorrow.

Monday, September 9, 2019


Today in class Mr.Rease was absent so we were in Ms.Well’s class. In class we decided to popcorn read our book “Wild”. But, of course that didn’t work. So then we found an audiobook and listened to that while we annotated and took notes on our book. So far the book is pretty good and i’m excited to continue reading it. Tomorrow in class hopefully we’ll discuss the book and read chapter two.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Half Class Day

Today in class we started learning about our book we will start reading next week. We also discussed what ten essential things we should bring on hike. All of these things were related to the book we were reading. We also learned about black and grizzly bears and watched a couple of videos on beat attacks. Our classroom and learning time was cut short due to the pep-rally. I also learned we will be reading the book “Wild” for about 3 weeks. After we left class we went to the pep-rally which was very boring and spiritless.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Today in class we returned to reading the “Thank you for arguing” book. In class we went over tests and discussed our mistakes we made with our claims. We also chose partners and argued on who should write three paragraphs for homework. In all honesty I believe I won. Class was very informative today and I can hardly wait for tomorrow’s lesson.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Thank you for arguing.....

In class today we learned about arguing while reading a book called " Thank you for arguing." We learned about arguing and fighting. I learned that in an argument they try to win you over. In a fight no one wins you just go back in forth with that person. I also learned that fighting is no argument it never persuades it only inspires.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Test Taking Skills

Today in Mr. Reases's class I learned how manage my time wisely will taking a test. I also learned more about analyzing the text. While reading the text I learn how to state my claims and find  evidence to support my claims. It was a little warmer in class today, so I took off my jacket. I learned that I need to manage my time while writing an essay. Class was very quiet today also because we were taking a test the whole time.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mother’s Tongue

Today in class today we read aloud an essay by Amy Tan called “Mothers Tongue.” In the essay Tan explains how her English skills on tests were mediocre and her Math skills were very strong. Tan also explains how she uses broken English with her mother yet she still understands what she is saying. While reading the story we were to identify claims and find evidence that backed up the claims. Towards the end of the class I learned that we will be reading a book, and that we must purchase the book by September 9th. As always the classroom was chilly and I learned many more things to stuff in my brain.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Quotations , Commas, and Semicolons oh my!

In Mr.Rease’s class today I learned that yesterday I did my homework assignment on blogger completely wrong. On an educational level, in class I learned some valuable things about commas and quotation marks. I learned that in shorts works of writing to use quotations marks, for long works underline or italics. I also learned in class to bring more fur because it is freezing in class. But we live in the south, so it has to be freezing cold in class. I also learned  about Fanboys which simply means For, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. I am so excited to see what I will learn about in class on Thursday!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Learning New Things In Class

Today in Mr.Rease's I learned more about identify claims and finding evidence in different texts. We also read “The Myth of a Latin woman”. In that story a Hispanic women explained how she has been  stereotyped based on the clothes she wears. Simple things like wearing tanks tops and flip flops are accepted as normal in her country but, in ours is considered sexual. In class today we also learned how to continue setting up our blogger. I also learned how much I  could learn in class if I pay attention and keep an open mind